
Showing posts from December, 2019

Roger Stone SINKS TO NEW LOWS: Threatens therapy dog Bianca

HOW LOW CAN YOU GO? "Roger Stone once threatened a DOG and called her owner Randy Credico a rat".  (Lauren Fruen, Trump confidant Roger Stone 'once threatened to kill the therapy dog of a "rat" Wikileaks witness due to testify before the House', Daily Mail, 26 Jan 2019) STONE'S APPRENTICE IS EVEN MEANER When Hudson is running a hit, he mercilessly harasses the oldest known relative of his victims.  His favorite tactic is to bombard elderly Parkinson's victims with up to 8 pieces of hate mail per day.  Even though Hudson's harassment campaign was a direct and deliberate violation of Rule 4.4.  (see graphic at right) Roger Stone is 66 years of age, and got away with political dirty tricks ever since the Nixon days.  Hudson was sure that he do anything he wanted to hurt the elderly, with no repercussions. BUT THEN THE BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY RECEIVED A COMPLAINT The supreme court of the State of Tennessee p

Roger J. Stone CONVICTED -- Death Threats

DIRTY INTIMIDATION TACTICS "Prepare to die cock sucker."   (Roger J. Stone, Jr. cited in Dan Friedman, Roger Stone Found Guilty on All Counts, Mother Jones, 15 Nov 2019) MAKING DEATH THREATS IS STILL ILLEGAL "Much of the trial revolved around relationship between Mr. Stone and Randy Credico, a New York radio host and comedian. The charge that SUCCESSFUL INTIMIDATION Mr. Stone had tried to block Mr. Credico from testifying to the House committee was the most serious one he faced, carrying a maximum penalty of 20 years. Mr. Credico ultimately asserted his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination and refused to testify to the House committee." (Roger Stone Is Convicted of Impeding Investigators in a Bid to Protect Trump, New York Times, 15 Nov 2019) STONE'S APPRENTICE KEVIN HUDSON IS OFTEN BROUGHT IN TO INTIMIDATE PEOPLE While Roger Stone is generally busy with political dirty tricks on the national stage, lower-level Republican candida